Friday, March 02, 2007




Les choristes is a wonderful story about the power of music; this is about a school for orphans and problematic boys. A former musician named clement Mathieu and a group of kids.
On January, 15ยบ, 1949, Mr. Mathieu arrived to “fond de l`etang” to work as a teacher, he didn’t imagine what kind of school was that. At the edge of the principal entrance, Mr. Mathieu just saw a dirty little kid with a sad face, who was alone, the kids seems as he was waiting for someone, Mr. Mathieu asked him what he was doing there and the little boy answered that he was waiting for his parents, because on Saturdays parents used to go visit their kids there. Mr. Mathieu continued his way, when he came in to the school, he met a nice man called “old maxence” who was a janitor that had been working there for many years, old maxence explained to Mr. Mathieu what kind of school was that, he also met other teachers, all of them warning about the problematic kids.
The headmaster of the school was an ambitious, bad and cruel guy named Mr. rachin, he used to treated the kids as animals, he always used a method of teaching called “action-reaction” that consist in suppress by punishments kids’ pranks, this method was completely awful because kids always were afraid of Mr. rachin presence.
Mr. Mathieu started giving class at the beginning, this class was so outgoing, the kids didn’t respect anybody unless Mr. rachin, they were screaming and playing around the classroom, everything was a mess, but thanks to Mr. Mathieu patience, perseverance and goodness he won the confidence of this little boys, he just realized that deep inside they were good kids.
Mr. Mathieu started to compose music and he thought about to create a chorus with the kids. He put all the kids together and started a pre-selection, he selected baritones and sopranos, the little pepinot the lonely kid was selected to be the teacher’s assistant.
The new chorus practiced and practiced every day, one of the chorister a kid named Pierre morhange was outstanding, he was very a talented singer, his voice sounds like a celestial angel. This boy was always in troubles and Mr. Mathieu had to punish him all the time. During the classes Mr. Mathieu tried to change his student’s minds, by using new methods of teaching, listening to their problems, knowing more about what they want to do in the future and their personal life.
The headmaster felt that Mr. Mathieu was a treat for him and the school and tried to eliminated the chorus, the ladies who supported the school wanted to listen the chorus, thy did the presentation and was amazing, the little morhange sang as never he did it and everybody were delight by them.
the headmaster was going to received a promotion for the idea of create a chorus, but when he wasn’t in the school a dangerous boy named Monday took revenge of him, he fired a part of the school, Mr. Mathieu was accused as the responsible of that act and was fired without say goodbye to his wonderful students, he was devastated, but in the exactly moment when hen he was leaving the school, all the kids were upstairs singing so loud, so wonderful for Mr. Mathieu, they were just throwing little pieces of paper trough the windows, this paper had write wonderful massages, it was a very touching moment. Mr. Mathieu left the school with a feeling of happiness and the little pepinot joined him in his travel.

What does the school predict about the students who attend there?
The school predicts that the kids were a lost case, I mean, that they don’t have any future in their lives.
Where did most of the students come from?
More of the students came from poor families, orphans and kids that used to be vulgar, some of them were come from to this school for bad behavior.
Why do you think they were there?
They were there because some of these kids’ families don’t have any money for pay a good school or they just were kids without family.
What expressions about education did you hear in the movie?
I listened about a method called action-reaction
What qualities did you see in the teacher that shows the qualities of a good teacher?
He was patient, perseverance, humane, helpful, disciplined, and respectful and he loved to work in teams.
Why didn’t Mathieu want to touch his music?
Because he thought that he was a bad musician and he didn’t have success in his career.
What is Pierre morhange’s (child) conflict?
He was a problematic boy, his principal conflict was that his mother had to work everyday in a restaurant, she was a single mother and she doesn’t have any time to take care of him, Pierre missed her a lot and he escaped to the school only for see her, he was jealous of Mr. Mathieu because he thought that thy had an affair.
What does rachin think about Mathieu’s manners to teach?
He thinks that the way of Mr. Mathieu teaches his classes are wrong, because he needs to be dad, and cruel.
Does action-reaction method actually pay off?
Actually no, because anyway the kids always were doing pranks.
Do you know the term “gray teacher”? Is it applicable to rachin? State your reasons.
Yes, well I think that a grey teacher is a person who doesn’t have any feelings for his students, only thinks about him and his future, that doesn’t care about other people.
What values did Mathieu show to his students?
Be helpful, disciplined and that they don’t have to lose the faith
Mathieu’s last words were “noone even knew I was alive” why did he mean by that?
I think he said that because he felt that he was a looser, and nobody knows him, but inside he doesn’t care that because he was so proud of the job that he did with those wonderful children.
Does music represent a mere leisure activity for the kids in fond de l’etang?
I don’t think so because they learned a lot through the music, and they really enjoyed doing that.
Do you think Mathieu to be a failed teacher or person? Why?
No, I don’t because he was a marvelous teacher, with good feelings
According to pepinot, “does Mathieu keeps everything to himself”?
No he doesn’t because he shred his journal where hi describe the life in the school with Morhange and Pepinot,
Why do you think music is chosen as a vital subject to change the kids’ life and not math or physics instead? What does music mean to you?
Because the other subjects were kind of boring for them instead music and through music you can transmit feelings and hopes.
Can music be a useful tool to teach English?
Of course, music could be an useful tool to teach English because is entertainment, relaxing, and pleasure way to learn something.


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