Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Fall Out Boy
This Aint a Scene, It's an Arms Race Video


Gladymar Romero
CI: 16.553.564
English V
Secc: 802
Reading and Writing II

Abortion Should Be Legalized in Venezuela

Abortion is an important issue concerning women, for years the media, the church and the government had been said that abortion should not be legal in this country. The Larousse dictionary defines Abortion as: “The termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or a fetus that is incapable of survival by its own”. This simply means inducing birth to kill the fetus before it is carried to full term. Abortion can save thousands of lives of women who have terrible diseases cause for a risky pregnancy or can just save women of carry a baby that they do not want because it was product of a violently raped; the Venezuelan legal system does not allow women to abort in these situations. However, Venezuelan women need to have the right of choose if they want to carry an unwanted child or not, for that reason, abortion should be legalized in Venezuela.

“Pro-choice” and “Pro-life”, these are the two faces of the coin, a pro-choicer would hold that the decision to abort an embryo or a fetus is to be made only by the woman; the government and the catholic church have no right to interfere. A pro-lifer would hold that, from the moment of conception, the embryo or fetus is alive; that this life imposes on us a moral obligation to preserve it; and that abortion is practically the same as murder.

A pro-lifer use the Bible to support their doctrine that abortion is wrong, however, the Bible clearly states that unwanted children are problematic in society. In the chapter of Ecclesiastes 6:3-5, it states that, "If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things, and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, Better the miscarriage than he, for it comes in futility and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity. It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he.” According to the verse, King Solomon has stated above, that the life of a newborn fetus is less valuable than a man who has a satisfying life. King Solomon makes the point that much of life is futile. Over and over he wrote that if life is pleasing, then we should be thankful. But when life is not gratifying, he says that it is sometimes better to end a pregnancy prematurely than to allow it to continue into a miserable life. It is not saying that we shouldn't bring new life into this world, but rather it is asserting that a miserable life is no life at all. Thus, abortion should be available to women who do not want to bring an abandoned life into the world. Many pro-choicer states that if an unwanted child is going to be born from a mother who wished to have an abortion, then the life of that child would have no meaning and purpose.

Pro-life people are in a contradiction, they say "at conception, each of us is unique”. If it is murder to destroy a fertilized egg, is it murder to destroy a sperm or an egg? Is it not true that each living sperm and egg are distinguishable from each other, anti-abortionists state that "at conception, each of us is unique," then, isn't every sperm produced during masturbation unique and therefore a mass murder? And when women menstruate each month, has someone died? It is obvious that the anti-abortionist argument is groundless and unsupported. If anti-abortionists can not deliver a rational argument, then abortion in Venezuela should remain as an alternative from which women can choose.

A woman who is forced to carry out an unwanted pregnancy is at risk. She has a greater possibility of depression because she is less possible to look for early prenatal care and is more likely to use such harmful substances as tobacco and alcohol. Also, her relationship with a partner is at greater risk of dissolution. Furthermore, the mother and her partner are more likely to suffer through economic distress and fail to raise the child successfully.

Women who are forced to carry unwanted pregnancies to term; the result would be an unwanted children. Abortion should remain legal in Venezuela because it may destine an unwanted child to live a dreadful life. Everyone knows that unwanted children are among society's most tragic cases, often uncared for, unloved, brutalized, and abandoned. When these children grow up, they live disadvantaged lives and could possibly live a life inclined towards brutal behavior to others. This is not good for the family, the children, and the nation. Why should a child who is not wanted and loved be brought into this world? The life of an unwanted child is not fulfilling. First, the child of an unwanted conception tends to be at a greater risk of being born at low birth weight, dying in the first year of life. Second, an unwanted pregnancy seems to cause impairment of social development and psychological health. All we need to do is to let abortion remain legal.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


Complete the sentences with appropriate verbs from the box
Gap-fill exercise
Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

accused admitted assured be having complained confirmed do explained had had asked hadn't have left having might have persuaded suggested would
1. Michael suggested going to see a movie.
2. Dan explained how to send an e-mail.
3. I wasn't that interested, but Ruth eventually persuaded me to go with her.
4. We assured him that everything would be fine.
5. Kay complained that the food was cold.
6. The travel agent confirmed that we had seats.
7. Penny admitted that she had made a mistake.
8. She accused him of telling a lie.
9. If you were having the opportunity to go on a blind date, would you do it?
10. Supposing that your old girlfriend/or boyfriend had wanted you back, would you have left your current one?
11. Just imagine that you hadn't spent all your money last night; think what a good time you could be having now.
12. I might have agreed to go out with you if you had asked me more politely.

Have something done
Gap-fill exercise
Your score is 90%.

Some of your answers are incorrect. Incorrect answers have been left in place for you to change.

1. My hair's getting far too long. I need to have it cut.
2. Noah hates having his photo taken
3. I've lost my key so I'd better have another one made
4. My watch isn't working properly. I ought to have it repaired
5. I'm going to have my suit washed as there's a coffee stain on the sleeve.
6. It's time we had our car fixed.
7. Katie can't find a wedding dress she likes so she's considering having one made.
8. As this summer is expected to be really hot we're planning on having air-conditioning .
9. Jenny's worried she may have a high cholesterol level, so she wants to have it checked.
10. The police suspected the fugitive was hiding somewhere in the building, so they had it .
Which Conditional Should I Use?
Your score is 100%.
Questions answered correctly first time: 6/6
Show questions one by one
1. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.
A. :-) If he hadn't stepped on the mine, it wouldn't have exploded.
B. ? If he doesn't step on the mine, it doesn't explode.
C. ? If he didn't step on the mine, it wouldn't explode.
D. ? If he doesn't step on the mine, it won't explode.
2. Unfortunately, I don't know Philosophy, so I can't answer your question.
A. ? If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.
B. ? If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question
C. ? If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.
D. :-) If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.
3. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32 degrees. It always freezes.
A. ? If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.
B. ? If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it freezes.
C. :-) If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.
D. ? If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.
4. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn't because I don't want the match to be cancelled.
A. ? If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.
B. :-) If it rains, the match will be cancelled.
C. ? If it rained, the match would be cancelled.
D. ? If it rains, the match is cancelled.
5. I want to buy a Porsche, but I don't have enough money.
A. ? If I have enough money, I buy a Porsche.
B. ? If I have enough money, I will buy a Porsche.
C. :-) If I had enough money, I would buy a Porsche.
D. ? If I had had enough money, I would have bought a Porsche.
6. You ignored my advice, so you got into trouble!
A. ? If you didn't ignore my advice, you wouldn't get into trouble.
B. :-) If you hadn't ignored my advice, you wouldn't have got into trouble.
C. ? If you don't ignore my advice, you won't get into trouble.
D. ? If you don't ignore my advice, you don't get into trouble.
Correct! Well done.
Your score is 100%.

Across:WE, 18: "Don't drive too quickly. The streets are very icy."He warned him about the ice. Enter
O N G R 2A
P 3F
N C O U R A G E D 7D
I 8A
X 13P
R 16A
D V 17I
1. "Well done!" That teacher _______ them on passing their exams.
3. "It was your fault."The cyclist blamed the bus driver ___ causing the accident.
5. "The electrician said he was coming at ten o'clock so I took time off work and waited in all morning...."She ____ about the electrician.
6. "It's a really good idea. You'll meet lots of people."New students are always _____ to join social clubs when they first go to university.
7. "It most certainly wasn't me that left the front door open."He _____ leaving the front door open.
8. "OK, it was me. I ate your chocolate"Elvira _____ eating the chocolate.
9. "You won't see him alive again."The kidnapper ___ to kill their son if they informed the police.
11. "Why don't you go to the dentist if your tooth hurts?"She ____ that he should go to the dentist.
12. "Sorry I'm late. The traffic was bad and then I couldn't find a parking space."He ____ why he was late.
14. "Remember you have to go to the bank. You forgot yesterday."She____ me to go to the bank.
15. "You caused it."The cyclist accused the bus driver of causing the accident.
16. "You should see a solicitor."The landlord of my neighbour's flat wanted to double the rent, so I ____ her to see a solicitor.
18. "Don't drive too quickly. The streets are very icy."He warned him about the ice.
2. "I'm sorry I didn't get to the meeting."He ____ for not going to the meeting.
4. "Those bags must be heavy, John. Shall I take one?"She ____ to carry a bag for him.
8. "We're getting engaged."Christine and Harry ____ at the party that they were getting engaged.
10. "It's very hot in here. Would you mind opening the window?"She ____ him to open the window.
13. "Yes, honest, I'll be there on time. I won't be late."He ____ not to be late.
15. "OK."The union ____ to call off the strike if safety measures were introduced.
17. "Would you like to come to our house for dinner on Friday?He ____ them to come to dinner on Friday.

Friday, March 02, 2007




Les choristes is a wonderful story about the power of music; this is about a school for orphans and problematic boys. A former musician named clement Mathieu and a group of kids.
On January, 15º, 1949, Mr. Mathieu arrived to “fond de l`etang” to work as a teacher, he didn’t imagine what kind of school was that. At the edge of the principal entrance, Mr. Mathieu just saw a dirty little kid with a sad face, who was alone, the kids seems as he was waiting for someone, Mr. Mathieu asked him what he was doing there and the little boy answered that he was waiting for his parents, because on Saturdays parents used to go visit their kids there. Mr. Mathieu continued his way, when he came in to the school, he met a nice man called “old maxence” who was a janitor that had been working there for many years, old maxence explained to Mr. Mathieu what kind of school was that, he also met other teachers, all of them warning about the problematic kids.
The headmaster of the school was an ambitious, bad and cruel guy named Mr. rachin, he used to treated the kids as animals, he always used a method of teaching called “action-reaction” that consist in suppress by punishments kids’ pranks, this method was completely awful because kids always were afraid of Mr. rachin presence.
Mr. Mathieu started giving class at the beginning, this class was so outgoing, the kids didn’t respect anybody unless Mr. rachin, they were screaming and playing around the classroom, everything was a mess, but thanks to Mr. Mathieu patience, perseverance and goodness he won the confidence of this little boys, he just realized that deep inside they were good kids.
Mr. Mathieu started to compose music and he thought about to create a chorus with the kids. He put all the kids together and started a pre-selection, he selected baritones and sopranos, the little pepinot the lonely kid was selected to be the teacher’s assistant.
The new chorus practiced and practiced every day, one of the chorister a kid named Pierre morhange was outstanding, he was very a talented singer, his voice sounds like a celestial angel. This boy was always in troubles and Mr. Mathieu had to punish him all the time. During the classes Mr. Mathieu tried to change his student’s minds, by using new methods of teaching, listening to their problems, knowing more about what they want to do in the future and their personal life.
The headmaster felt that Mr. Mathieu was a treat for him and the school and tried to eliminated the chorus, the ladies who supported the school wanted to listen the chorus, thy did the presentation and was amazing, the little morhange sang as never he did it and everybody were delight by them.
the headmaster was going to received a promotion for the idea of create a chorus, but when he wasn’t in the school a dangerous boy named Monday took revenge of him, he fired a part of the school, Mr. Mathieu was accused as the responsible of that act and was fired without say goodbye to his wonderful students, he was devastated, but in the exactly moment when hen he was leaving the school, all the kids were upstairs singing so loud, so wonderful for Mr. Mathieu, they were just throwing little pieces of paper trough the windows, this paper had write wonderful massages, it was a very touching moment. Mr. Mathieu left the school with a feeling of happiness and the little pepinot joined him in his travel.

What does the school predict about the students who attend there?
The school predicts that the kids were a lost case, I mean, that they don’t have any future in their lives.
Where did most of the students come from?
More of the students came from poor families, orphans and kids that used to be vulgar, some of them were come from to this school for bad behavior.
Why do you think they were there?
They were there because some of these kids’ families don’t have any money for pay a good school or they just were kids without family.
What expressions about education did you hear in the movie?
I listened about a method called action-reaction
What qualities did you see in the teacher that shows the qualities of a good teacher?
He was patient, perseverance, humane, helpful, disciplined, and respectful and he loved to work in teams.
Why didn’t Mathieu want to touch his music?
Because he thought that he was a bad musician and he didn’t have success in his career.
What is Pierre morhange’s (child) conflict?
He was a problematic boy, his principal conflict was that his mother had to work everyday in a restaurant, she was a single mother and she doesn’t have any time to take care of him, Pierre missed her a lot and he escaped to the school only for see her, he was jealous of Mr. Mathieu because he thought that thy had an affair.
What does rachin think about Mathieu’s manners to teach?
He thinks that the way of Mr. Mathieu teaches his classes are wrong, because he needs to be dad, and cruel.
Does action-reaction method actually pay off?
Actually no, because anyway the kids always were doing pranks.
Do you know the term “gray teacher”? Is it applicable to rachin? State your reasons.
Yes, well I think that a grey teacher is a person who doesn’t have any feelings for his students, only thinks about him and his future, that doesn’t care about other people.
What values did Mathieu show to his students?
Be helpful, disciplined and that they don’t have to lose the faith
Mathieu’s last words were “noone even knew I was alive” why did he mean by that?
I think he said that because he felt that he was a looser, and nobody knows him, but inside he doesn’t care that because he was so proud of the job that he did with those wonderful children.
Does music represent a mere leisure activity for the kids in fond de l’etang?
I don’t think so because they learned a lot through the music, and they really enjoyed doing that.
Do you think Mathieu to be a failed teacher or person? Why?
No, I don’t because he was a marvelous teacher, with good feelings
According to pepinot, “does Mathieu keeps everything to himself”?
No he doesn’t because he shred his journal where hi describe the life in the school with Morhange and Pepinot,
Why do you think music is chosen as a vital subject to change the kids’ life and not math or physics instead? What does music mean to you?
Because the other subjects were kind of boring for them instead music and through music you can transmit feelings and hopes.
Can music be a useful tool to teach English?
Of course, music could be an useful tool to teach English because is entertainment, relaxing, and pleasure way to learn something.